I Have This Song Stuck In My Mind

  I’m really very picky when it comes to my music choices.  Lately when I have my headphones in my ears and I’m on the search for the zen I need oh so badly  my  go to favorite song has been This Is Home by Bryan Lanning (a daily vlogger on YouTube) someone I regularly and religiously watch   You dear readers should also go watch their YouTube videos The Lanning Family’s Daily Vlogs.

Let me be honest. I’m have ADHD when it comes to music and I’m very bad at listening to a track in its entirety. But Bryan  oh my lanta has got one of the sweetest voices ever. Captivating is the word that’d apply here. 

I’ve literally got the track playing every moment of the day. Whilst sleeping whilst eating and whilst blogging.  I’ll eventually get  to doing a video on my YouTube channel My YouTube Channel

This song is totes Lekha approved

My rating :-  5 out of 5 

That’s all folks. 

Peace out. 


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